*Members: If you have any announcements that you would like to post on the ROBS web site, please contact Nick Siciliano at News2@robsny.org. Announcements will be posted each month on this page.
If you miss any previous month's announcements, you can view them at the Archives page of this web site. You can also read more news in our Newsletters.In addition, if you have
your own web site, and would like to share it with other members, let us know and we can include the link on the ROBS site.
The ROBS Christmas Wrap Party will be on Monday, December 9, 2013 at the home of Kris Dougherty.
Address: 16 Brushwood Court, East Islip, N.Y. 11730
Time: 12:00 P.M.
Telephone # 631-581-1828
If you are interested in helping to wrap presents for our four adopted families, please contact Kris, so that we know how many wrappers to prepare for. Please bring along a pair of scissors that you can use.
This year's performance will be "Beauty and the Beast" on Friday, Feb. 7th & Saturday, Feb. 8th @ 7:30 PM in the Sonderling Auditorium.
The price is $7.00 for reserved seats. They can be purchased through the Music Department or at the door.
The senior citizen performance will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 6th from 3:00PM - 7:00 PM (with an intermission) @ no charge.
SAD SHARING POSTED 12/22/13 Ann Dougherty Twin Pines '95 Yearbook Ann Dougherty has passed away. Shewas a secretary in several locations over many years including Northwest Center, Southwest Elementary, and the Intake Office. Ann was a good friend and a special lady. We will miss her very much.
Wake and funeral arrangements are as follows:
Maloney Funeral Home
132 Ronkonkoma Ave., Ronkonkoma, NY
Sunday December 29, 2-4pm and 7-9pm
Mass Monday, 10 am
St. Joseph Catholic Church
45 Church St., Ronkonkoma, NY
Calverton Cemetery
A note from Sheila and Letty Sustrin:
Dear All,
The shopping was done! The presents were wrapped! Everything was delivered to the four families! Hopefully they will all have a very happy holiday due to the generosity and caring of our ROBS members. Kudos to all of you!
We both truly enjoyed chairing this committee. It has been both challenging and very rewarding. We couldn't have done it by ourselves. There are so many thank-yous to give. Firstly, a very special thanks to Lois Morella and Loretta Ellington for devoting so much time and effort with helping us shop for the 19 people. They really know how to find great bargains. We also must thank Kris Dougherty for giving her house once again to be used for the "Wrap Party." It was a fun time for all. We had many "ROBS ELVES" showing up to wrap with us, and they did a wonderful job. We look forward to seeing a picture of them on the ROBS Photo Gallery.
And of course, there is Phyllis Goodwin. She has always been there for us, and this year was no exception. Phyllis handled the shopping and delivery of food to the four families so that they could all have a "Thanksgiving Feast."
Lastly, but not least, was the support given to us by our ROBS President, Nick Siciliano. He was there constantly for us, to answer our questions and give us advice.
We hope that all of you will have a Happy Holiday, and a Happy and Healthy New Year. We're already looking forward to the 2014 "Project Hope" challenge.
Sheila & Letty Sustrin
POSTED 12/14/13
SAD SHARING POSTED 12/26/13 Gilda Mantin Dear Brentwood Friends and Colleagues,
With a heavy heart, I must tell you that Gilda Mantin, our beloved English Department Chairperson, died on December 23rd after a long illness. Her daughter Lois said that Gilda was smiling and peaceful during her final days.
Gilda was a mentor, friend, role model, teacher, boss and adored by all who knew her. Those of us who worked for her always knew what a gift it was.
Condolences can be sent to her daughter, Lois Simonds, at:
6392 Claremont Avenue
Richmond, CA 94805
You can also email Lois at: naturesdesign1@hotmail.com. If you would like to speak with Lois, include your phone number and she will get back to you at some time in the future. Lois also told us that there would be a memorial service in NY, most likely in the spring, to celebrate and honor Gilda's life.
Rest in peace, dear Gilda.
Judi Hearst Weissman
How are we doing?
We'd like to hear from you. Please visit our
Letters to the Editor Pagewhere you can share your views and comments
View the "In Memoriam" page with the list of our Brentwood colleagues who have passed away. This list will be updated on a yearly basis.
Social Justice Efforts Critical to Union's Mission
Published in NYSUT United: A Union of Professionals, Sept/Oct 2013
In helping educators plan ahead, NYSUT has provided a selection of social justice events and resources for each month of the school year. The following are those listed for the month of November:
Dec. 1 — World AIDS Day
Resources are available at www.avert.org.
Dec. 10 — Human Rights Day
The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, www.rfkcenter.org, highlights the work of international human rights activists and offers lesson plans created in conjunction with NYSUT members. Also, visit www.hrw.org, a watchdog organization for human rights.
Dec. 18 — International Migrants Day, established by the United Nations. At www.iom.int find information about migrants, their economic impact and justice issues, humane and orderly policies in the movement of persons across borders, migrant health protections and more.
Why did we do it? What was our purpose in taking on such an open ended “History Project”; the one for which we’ve evolved a script of questions with corresponding answers from over one hundred and fifty dedicated volunteers for nearly two decades?
We couldn’t answer the question in ‘94 when people would ask “What are you going to do with the interviews?” All we could say was that for educational and informational purposes we had better document our record or lose any chance to preserve innumerable poignant accounts, humorous stories and touching tales told to us by exemplary educators and dedicated public servants, who shortly and for reasons unknown might soon be leaving our Brentwood for good.
We decided to let time sort out the details as we commenced making appointments to ask questions and simply listen. Listen we did as this project evolved saving for subsequent generations the very essence of what it means to have been an educator or employed in a large student centered public school system during the latter half of the twentieth century. Brentwood remains an exemplar to all the others; a diverse microcosm and accurate reflection of the approximately one hundred and twenty seven neighboring school districts on Long Island and the thousands across this country. We’ve accomplished something here, something we can all be proud of having been part of, whether we were interviewed or not, ours is a claim of service that few other professionals in the State of New York are positioned to share in a like manner. INITIALLY the practice of sitting for an hour with the Subject of our interview and giving them one hundred percent of our focused attention for that period of time seemed a little threatening to many of our friends and former colleagues. So much so in fact that many declined repeated invitations to be interviewed as they left careers behind or retired from full time employ with the District. Despite all assurances that this was not to be about investigative journalism or invading their privacy, they’ve deferred. Until now, almost seventeen years after we began, some say they may finally be ready. We say, “Better late than never”. However, to all those among you who were willing to share openly not only your classroom experiences but personal stories, precious memories from your lives and fondest hopes for the future, we say thanks for allowing us to be able to continue the process of giving as we now are able to share interviews with you, with the community and with countless regional professional educators and researchers through tentative acceptance of ROBS offer of collaboration with The Long Island Studies Institute at Hofstra University.
You can now enjoy unlimited visits to www.robsny.org/ where you’ll see and hear segments from the History Project Interviews featured here in the ROBS History Project section on the Announcements Page archived each month thereafter for those wishing to return again and again.
Ruth Rosenthal Administration
Ruth Rosenthal was born in East New York, Brooklyn, one month before the end of World War One or as it’s called, – The Great War, on Oct 9th, 1918.
She was interviewed and hired for a job in Brentwood on May 3, 1956. She retired from the district in 1984, four years following the death in 1980 of Henny, her beloved husband. Retirement for her was a mistake that she came to regret. She found herself missing friends. Her passion for young people soon prompted her to devote time to the community as a Public Library Trustee. She then ran for and was elected to the Brentwood Board of Education, where she also served as Trustee for many more years.
At the time of this interview Ruth was 78 years old and still going strong. She remained close to her children, grandchildren and two great grandchildren, visiting with them regularly.
Her parents, then deceased had been a middle class couple who operated a manufacturing business out of their factory behind the family residence in Brooklyn. When Ruth got out of school, she had earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering specializing in sound, light and radio equipment. She joined the U.S. Navy Signal Corps and served from the beginning of WW2 to the end of the war in 1945 when she went to work for the Veterans Administration.
Some years earlier she’d begun corresponding with the best friend of a friend serving in the Pacific during the war. His name was Staff Sergeant Henny Rosenthal. They met after the War for the first time and were married soon after.
When they visited mom and pop Rosenthal in Brentwood, they fell in love with the, bucolic, rural hamlet so far away from New York city. They moved there in 1956 and Ruth was soon offered a substitute teaching position where she could be home in time for her young children to get home from a Brentwood school. Her teaching career in Science began soon after. Henny dropped out of school during the depression to join the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) to help the family by supplementing their income. After obtaining his GED from Brentwood high school and his degree from Hofstra, Henny was hired as a teacher in the district as well.
Although she became a Principal in the District, Ruth never stopped being a teacher at heart. Teaching she said, “is the most noble of professions.”
The Town Crier" was set up a number of years ago so that the retirees of the Brentwood School District could have an email center to stay in touch. Since I began to send out all sorts of information, retirees from all over the country have sent me their email addresses. Some have asked, "Do you have any idea where so and so is?" Others have sent proud news of their accomplishments, their family news, photos,etc. and sadly, we often get bad news. Many retirees whom I have never met write me to thank me for keeping this connection going, as everyone remembers the Brentwood years with warm feelings.
The past procedures for reimbursement of co-payments when Silver Scripts takes over from Express Scripts on January 1st, will remain in place. Coordination of benefits for prescriptions will continue for those who have qualified in the past. The same form will be used as was done for Express Scripts and sent to the same Empire address.