Counseling in Times of Stress


     From time to time, major changes in our lives tax our ability to cope. Newly diagnosed medical conditions, caregiving responsibilities, divorce, a child leaving home, a change in job responsibilities, or living on a reduced income in retirement are but a few examples of transitional problems which precipitate stress.


     Embarking upon even a short course of counseling with an objective and empathetic professional can be most helpful in reinforcing your strengths and facilitating adaptation to change. If you conclude that counseling may be helpful to you in accepting and adapting to stressful life changes, then give us a call. We will assist you in getting the help that you need.


NYSUT Social Services:

1-800-342-9810, ext. 6206.


UFT Retirees please call 212-598-6880.

UFT In-service members please call 212-539-0500.