POSTED 6/5/14
Tomorrow, June 6, 2014, will be the 70th anniversary of the D-Day Allied invasion of Europe in World War II. Seven decades ago, the largest amphibious invasion in history took place, changing the course of the war. Nearly 200,000 Allied troops boarded 7,000 ships and more than 3,000 aircraft and headed toward Normandy. Some 156,000 troops landed on the French beaches, 24,000 by air and the rest by sea, where they met stiff resistance from well-defended German positions across 50 miles of French coastline. Two photographers recently traveled to France, seeking to rephotograph images captured back then. Getty photographer Peter Macdiarmid and Reuters photographer Chris Helgren gathered archive pictures from the 1944 invasion, tracked down the locations, and photographed them as they appear today. Starting with photo number two, all the images are interactive -- click on them to see a transition from 'then' to 'now', and see the difference 70 years can make.
This article was published online in The Atlantic, "In Focus With Alan Taylor", June 5, 2014.
POSTED 6/3/14
Our dear friend and colleague Dot Zuckerman passed away this morning. The service will be held on Thursday June 5, 2014 at 12:30 pm at IJ Morris Funeral Home 21 East Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, New York. Interment will follow at Washington Memorial Park, Canal Road, Coram, New York. Shiva will be observed through next Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at noon at Dot's son Richard's home which is located at 3187 Ann Street in Baldwin.
View ROBS Tribute to Dot Zuckerman
POSTED 6/2/14
On the occasion of this years Disabilities Awareness Day, Isabelle Cullen, John Sherin's niece, created a beautiful presentation that was given to the entire 6th Grade in her school in Colorado. Isabelle presented her thoughts and compassionate concern for children with Down syndrome for her project. You can view her presentation here.
POSTED 6/2/14
On July 19, 1910, the governor of the U.S. state of Washington proclaimed the nation’s first “Father’s Day.” However, it was not until 1972, 58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day official, that the day became a nationwide holiday in the United States. Read this entire article as it appeared in
POSTED 6/7/14
Philomena "Mina" Lynch, who retired from Special Services in 1995, passed away on June 5, as a result of suffering a stroke after enduring surgery for a heart valve replacement. "Mina" will be waked on Sunday June 8th at 2pm - 4:30pm then at 7pm - 9:30pm @ Raynor & D'Andrea Funeral Home at 245 Montauk Highway Sayville , NY 11796
The details and a video will be forthcoming on their website for those who cannot attend:
Funeral Mass @ St. Lawrence R.C. Church in Sayville NY @ 10am Monday
Burial service @ Gate of Heaven in Hawthorne NY on Monday June 9th
POSTED 6/12/14
Click on the link below to view momentous events that took place in this month over the past five decades.
Purple Clover
POSTED 6/2/14
The following article entitled "10 Things You Didn't Know About Maya Angelou's Incredible Life" appeared online in the Huffington Post. View it here.
POSTED 6/2/14
Fifty years ago, the civil rights movement in the United States made huge strides among continued setbacks. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law, banning discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin --
Read entire article
POSTED 6/12/14
Eleanor Steffen Lipkins, a retired Brentwood High School art teacher, is having a solo show of her very recent work (paintings and drawings). Opening is Saturday, July 12 at the Doghouse Gallery, 429 Phillips Road, Saugerties NY.
POSTED 6/12/14
Randi Fishenfeld, the daughter of Grace Fishenfeld, who is a retired Brentwood High School teacher, is an extremely talented and accomplished violinist. Click on the link below to view Randi's most recent and entertaining performance at TEDx Boca Raton event.
Randi Fishenfeld at TEDxBocaRaton
POSTED 6/24/14
Carmine Puleo, the former Administrator of the 7th and 10th Grade Centers, and Principal of Brentwood High School passed away Saturday, June 21st at his winter home in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Visitation at Lindenhurst Funeral Home, 424 S Wellwood Ave., Lindenhurst, NY
Sunday, June 29th, 2-4 and 6-9
Funeral Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 210 S Wellwood Ave.,
Lindenhurst NY
Monday, June 30th at 9:45AM
Interment is at at St. Charles Cemetery.
Condolences can be sent to the Puleo family at 90 Reade St, Lindenhurst. He is survived by his daughters Stephanie, Marie Lenore, Caren and Theresa and their
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View the "In Memoriam" page with the list of our Brentwood colleagues who have passed away. This list will be updated on a yearly basis.
June 17
Awards Luncheon
June 3
Executive Board Meeting
RC 21 Website: |
Social Justice Efforts Critical to Union's Mission
Published in NYSUT United: A Union of Professionals, Sept/Oct 2013
In helping educators plan ahead, NYSUT has provided a selection of social justice events and resources for each month of the school year. The following are those listed for the month of June:
LGBT Pride Month — recognizes the impact of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals on local, national and international history. To learn more, visit the Library of Congress site — — for resources.
June 12 — World Day Against Child Labor. Information and resources available at and
Why did we do it?
What was our purpose in taking on such an open ended “History Project”; the one for which we’ve evolved a script of questions with corresponding answers from over one hundred and fifty dedicated volunteers for nearly two decades?
We couldn’t answer the question in ‘94 when people would ask “What are you going to do with the interviews?” All we could say was that for educational and informational purposes we had better document our record or lose any chance to preserve innumerable poignant accounts, humorous stories and touching tales told to us by exemplary educators and dedicated public servants, who shortly and for reasons unknown might soon be leaving our Brentwood for good.
We decided to let time sort out the details as we commenced making appointments to ask questions and simply listen. Listen we did as this project evolved saving for subsequent generations the very essence of what it means to have been an educator or employed in a large student centered public school system during the latter half of the twentieth century. Brentwood remains an exemplar to all the others; a diverse microcosm and accurate reflection of the approximately one hundred and twenty seven neighboring school districts on Long Island and the thousands across this country. We’ve accomplished something here, something we can all be proud of having been part of, whether we were interviewed or not, ours is a claim of service that few other professionals in the State of New York are positioned to share in a like manner.
INITIALLY the practice of sitting for an hour with the Subject of our interview and giving them one hundred percent of our focused attention for that period of time seemed a little threatening to many of our friends and former colleagues. So much so in fact that many declined repeated invitations to be interviewed as they left careers behind or retired from full time employ with the District. Despite all assurances that this was not to be about investigative journalism or invading their privacy, they’ve deferred. Until now, almost seventeen years after we began, some say they may finally be ready. We say, “Better late than never”. However, to all those among you who were willing to share openly not only your classroom experiences but personal stories, precious memories from your lives and fondest hopes for the future, we say thanks for allowing us to be able to continue the process of giving as we now are able to share interviews with you, with the community and with countless regional professional educators and researchers through tentative acceptance of ROBS offer of collaboration with The Long Island Studies Institute at Hofstra University.
You can now enjoy unlimited visits to where you’ll see and hear segments from the History Project Interviews featured here in the ROBS History Project section on the Announcements Page archived each month thereafter for those wishing to return again and again.
Hank Salerno
Reading, Library, Media Instruction
Henry Michael Salerno was born 1942 in Flower Hospital in the Bronx. He was named after his father and received the name Michael from a 17 year old cousin who had survived appendicitis surgery at the same hospital the week Hank was born - only to die of a blood clot as he was about to be released from the hospital. His family name came from a place in Italy south of Naples where his mother's family hailed from.
He was married to Rosemarie Grant and at the time of this interview was residing with her in Hauppauge, L.I. They are the parents of two daughters, Elizabeth and Jennifer, both living at the time of the interview in the East Village. They were working at the Museum of Art and the NY Public Library in the Bronx.
Hank’s father was in the butcher business since the 1930s starting in the Bronx, but then later owned the shop in Cambria Heights from 1950 to about 1975 where he "toughened" Hank up. Though he worked 60 to 80 long hours a week he still found time to take young Henry to museums, the zoo, and to showings of the latest Disney films. The toughest job Henry ever had was working for his father at the age of 13. No job before or since ever came close in terms of its degree of difficulty.
Prior to college he was a tree surgeon with the Parks Dept and one summer while there he met Mike Welsh. He attended St. Johns for one semester, left and then signed up for Nassau Community College before matriculating to Hofstra. He graduated as a biology major from Hofstra in 1965 and applied that spring to their graduate school for a masters in psychology which he then changed to education before the summer semester began. Probably one of the most important and best decisions he said he ever made.
His first teaching job in Brentwood was at South East Elementary in 1965 with Peter DiMento as his mentor. That year he earned $5,700 before taxes. Eventually the district offered him a position as Principal of Laurel Park but a life threatening health emergency forced his early retirement in the summer of 1997. It remains a painful memory that prematurely ended his career in Brentwood.
You can also view any of these past interviews by visiting History Project Interview Archives :
Baker Bernhardt, Ruth
Baker Bazata, Eleanor
Balinski, Wally
Brooks, Ronda
Carey, Dick
Carpenter, Beverly
Cerullo, Peter
Corkery, Florence
Cuneen, Ray
Curio, Rich
DeBellis, Claudia
DeBellis, Helen
DeBellis, Michael
DePlaza, Marilyn
Desoto, Edward
DiMento, Peter
Edwards, Richard
Efron, Martin
Fasullo, Mike
Felicio, Anthony
Filosa, Edith
Fiore, Marcy
Hannan, Edward
Helman, Harriet
Hodges, Shirley
Kirschner, Marge
Koehler, Florence
Lane, William
Lange, Joan
Laub, Dr. Herb
Martz, David
Mascaro, Barbara
McNicholas, Barbara
Monsen, Pattie
Moss, Ken
Mundy, Rick
Murray, Alma
Nanos, Jim
O'Conner, Thomas
Pace, Ron
Purcell, Joseph
Rosenthal, Ivy
Rosenthal, Ruth
Salerno, Hank
Scharf, Karen
Sekac, Evelyn
Sheele, Raymond
Sopp, Lorraine
Spencer, Franklin
Stuhler, Patricia
Sustrin, Letty and Sheila
Vannoy, Evelyn
Veech, Chris
Walker Lloyd, Shirley
Wolfe, Jeffrey
Zuckerman, Dorothy
Zuckerman, Jack

Classified Section

Marilyn De Plaza |
The Town Crier" was set up a number of years ago so that the retirees of the Brentwood School District could have an email center to stay in touch. Since I began to send out all sorts of information, retirees from all over the country have sent me their email addresses. Some have asked, "Do you have any idea where so and so is?" Others have sent proud news of their accomplishments, their family news, photos,etc. and sadly, we often get bad news. Many retirees whom I have never met write me to thank me for keeping this connection going, as everyone remembers the Brentwood years with warm feelings.
POSTED 6/3/14
Our dear friend and colleague Dot Zuckerman passed away this morning. The service will be held on Thursday June 5, 2014 at 12:30 pm at IJ Morris Funeral Home 21 East Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, New York. Interment will follow at Washington Memorial Park, Canal Road, Coram, New York. Shiva will be observed through next Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at noon at Dot's son Richard's home which is located at 3187 Ann Street in Baldwin.