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Brentwood High School
ROBS History Project Familiar Faces Series |
Business Education - Standing Left to Right: M. Fay, A. Graham, I. Adler, J Hartman, J Cliffett, D. Kubisko, E. Sisko, R. Leiterman, M. Anderson, J Wichtowski, W. Hull, C. Potts, Dept. Head W. Condon. Seated Left to Right: A. Boone, I Donald, G.Halligan, B. Urbanchick, C. Bruno |
Dr. Ira Lieberman and Brentwood String Orchestra |
Coach Simmons |
Mr Satzman and Girls Chorale |
Coach Wolfe - Girls Fencing |
Coach Eli Acosta |
English Department: Seated left to Right: Mary Jane DeVito, Barbara Terrel, JoHanna Caleca, Helene Jarmol, Mary Ruffino. Standing, Left to Right: Donald Andwood, Calvin Fornwald, Elijah Anthony, Stephen Krakehl, Ross Herzog, Dept. Head, Vincent McDonough, Raymand Osborne, Richard Edwards |
English Dept: Standing L to R: Maurice Burns, Warren Swensen, Clemens Stancik, Richard Schweiger, Thomas Campi, Dept. Head; Seated L to R: Charlotte Bloomberg, Gloria Albaster, Irene Mascola, Martha Dumican, Shirley Hodges, Judith Cutler |
Ross Social Studies Dept.: Standing L. to R.:Thomas Shore, Barbara Britt, Jeffrey Wolfe, Joseph Butler, Thomas O'Conner, Richard Arsenault, Steve Rocherter, Frank Bartley, Seated: Milton K. Siler, A.M. Dept. Chairman, Guy DePietro, P.M. Dept. Chairman, John Callan |
Driver Education - Seated From L to R: Forrest McMann Dept. Head, Warren Dolbeer; Standing, From L to R: James Sabatelle, Richard Roth, Americo Bianco, Leonard Baron, Ralph Ruggiero |
Art Dept. - Seated L to R: R. Amendola, R. Gaynor, J. Mattes, Dr. Frank Lerche, Dept Head, J. O'Donnell |
Science Dept - First Row, L To R: M. Welch, Dept Head, J. Gustafson, W. Mullady, S. Glass, L. Schreckengost, J. Goldschmidt, H. Berger, W. Niciu, R. Guzas; Bottom Row:L to R: H. Palinsky, R. Carey, M. Fasullo, H. Mattais, W. McGinn, W. Leeman |
Science Dept. - First Row, L to R: C. Herman, L. Turman, H. Rosenthal, Dept. Head, G. Smith, J. Gutmaker, W. Otten, P. Gorman; Bottom Row, L to R: E. Acosta, R. Veselis, J. Baier, R. Carey, F. Spencer, J. Howard |
Industrial Arts - L to R: Mr. Poquette, Dept. Head, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Mackwich, Mr. VonEsch, Mr. George |
Foreign Language Dept: Standing, L to R: Stephen Bencze, Ambrose Hickey, Bernard Steber; Seated L to R: Patricia Koslovsky, Angela Parisi, Gerard McCarthy, Patricia Leap, Robert Frankel, Rosa Iberbarth, Larry Johnson, Bernice Raperto, Joseph Palazzolo, Aida Covas, Max Sparer |
Sonderling Guidance Department: Back Row: Thomas Dwyer, Lawrence Badken, Jim Varian; Front Row: Edwin Franke, Helen Smith |
Ross Guidance Department: Hal Sobotko, Tom McDonough, Gerry Cohen, Robert Wellman, School Psychologist Bill Herran |
Industrial Arts Seated: Mr. Schiffer; Standing Lto R: Mr. Tagle and Mr Kopec |
Library Staff: Joseph Purcell, Librarian Sonderling; Emily Machnowski, Marion Carroll, Betty DeLong, Betty Formisano |
Mathematics - First Row, Seated, L to R: Robert Wilcox, Gail Goetsch, Michael Campanile; First Row, Standing, L to R: Gabriel Gengler, Harry Haden, Charles Allen, Miriam Massucci, Ellen Trutt, Claude Frank, Michael Lambert, James Cox, Martin Eckert, Raymond Newcomb; Back Row, L to R: Carol Dacey, Karl VanDeusen, Desk: George Gates, Dept.Head |
Physical Education Dept.:Carmen Pittinaro, Roy Rapp, Stan Kelner, Bill Laun, Dick Simmons, Joe Campo, unknown, unknown, unknown, Wade Cummings |
Sonderling Social Studies Dept.: Dave Lavin, Tom Brush, Hal Paster, Rolf Meir, Ray Cuneen, Joe Forte, unknown, Bill Bernstein, Terry Kosens, Bill Lne, Jack Zuckerman |
Special Ed: Mr. Robert Acker, Mr. Carl Lanz, Mr. George Mann |
Board of Education Dr. Joseph McDonald, Mr. Anthony Felicio, Mr. James Lynch, Pres., Mr. John Curio and Mr. Ismael Colon |