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First Brentwood High School Yearbook

AN'OGQS - 1957

1857-100 Yr. Anniversary of A One Room School House

1957-New Junor/Senior HS
Cost $2,498,000

1857 - Octagonal School
Cost $500
1907-Two Room School
Cost $5,000

1932-Addition to 2 Room School
Cost $17,000
1940 Village School Cost $209,000
1950 New Wing Cost $267,000


Dr Ross

Edward Sonderling
Board of Education President

Frederick Weaver - Principal

Byrle Nott
Assistant Principal

Leigh P. Stuart
Administrative Assistant

Mrs Rehberg Secretary to Administrative Assistant

Dr Eugene Hoyt
Supervising Principal

Mrs. G. Torres & Mrs Kawalsky Secretaries to Supervising Principal

Alfred Grabowski

Carl Varone

Carleen Shank

Carroll Lange

Charles McGowan

Dorothy T. Furkey

Elvera Ribo

Frances Cairns
English Chariperson

George E. Klein

George Shaw

Georgette Monroe

Gerald Briggs

Harry E. Hanners

Harvey Brickman

Haskell Paster

Helen V. Smith

Howard McGee

James J. Felton

Jean Newell

Josephine Gray

Joyce Turner

Kathleen M. Nichols

Lucienne Karszen

Lucille D. Cleveland

Mary Roche

Michael De Bellis

Morris Klayman

Nancy Boiyer

Norman Gurian

Norman Levin

Allen W. Newton

Peter M. Cerullo

Raymond Scheele

Reginald Poquette

Roland Genise

Russell N. Copeland

Santo Russo

Stanley P. Yankowski

Thomas Stirrat

Stanley S. Hatch

Thomas Hastings

Dietition Staff - Mrs Frost,
Mrs. Broggelwirth, Mrs. Windsor

Nursing Staff - Mrs L. Langford & Miss M. Brewster
                                                                                                                             Peter returned to teach and Chair Math Dept. at the HS

Board of Education: left to right:Salvatore Salomone, Anthony Murmam, Eugene Quin, Edward Sonderling, Daniel Reader, Dr. Eugene Hoyt, Alphesus Baxter

Guidance Office: Mr.Fjeldel, Mr.Klein, Mr.Newton,
Mr.Hatch, Mrs.Nott

Seated: Mrs. Parks, Mrs. Young
Standing: Mrs. Perron, Mrs. Mattauch

Year One

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